Friday, October 30, 2009

Smoke This

Sent from my Nokia phone

Final Plan for this weeks tailgate (New Mexico St., These guy's Really Suck...)
Updated 10/30/09

Brats (35 of the finest Meats - assorted flava's): Matt (aka Grill Meister...)
Hot Dogs: The Elder Statesman
Burgers:  Phil and (I had nothing to do with Bucky going down) Nancy (20)
Side Dishes:  Big Tom, Pete and Jackee (Buffalo Chicken Dip), The Elder Statesman (Grilled Potato's and Onion...)
Dessert:  Phil and Nancy (Some Apple Thingy)
Early morning:  Mark and Rachel (Donuts from Der Dutchman - mmmmmmmmmmmmm)
Hamburger / Hotdog Buns:  Big Tom (3 burger - 3 dogs), The Elder Statesman (2 hot dog) - We should be good on Buns...
Condiments:  We could use:  Cheese (singles are fine) - Tomato - Pickle (and anything else good on burgers and dogs)
Special Drink of the week:  Bloody Mary's (no comments please...)  "The Godfather" and AP...

Halloween Costumes???  I have heard a few people are in the Spirit (myself included...)

Schedule Update:
5:45 am - Initial set-up
8:30 am - Music starts
10:15 am - food on the grill / Gameday
10:45 am - LRC / "Debauchery"
Noon - Kick-off
Halftime - Music / LRC
Once we win - Celebrate like it's 2009...

Weather Update:
Rain Percentage throughout the morning
6:00 am = 60%
7:00 am = 30%
8:00 am = 30%
9:00 am = 30%
10:00 am = 20%
11:00 am = 20%
Kick-off = 10-20%